weet iemand waar mijn wifi modem is?
hoe kunnen mensen dingen op straat gooien zonder dat ze zich schuldig voelen over de actie?
waarom hebben nederlanders de neiging om meubels op straat te zetten als ze die niet meer willen?
hoe lang ga ik rondlopen met een kapotte camera totdat ik zo gefrustreerd raak dat ik het op zal lossen?
als iedereen weet dat er in nederland veel mensen last hebben van negatieve emoties in combinatie met slecht weer, waarom is er dan weinig begrip voor de winterdip?
mag je altijd naar binnen kijken in iemands huis als hun gordijnen open zijn?
wanneer is een plant ontkruid?
waarom hebben wij niet meer praktische keuzevakken op de middelbare school voor technische huishoudelijke taken?

politie tape
té vel licht
nattig gras
vies groen afgevend hout
zacht speel-asfalt
te gladde nep-houten platen
kale lente bomen
blauwe auto-lak
met je nagel door een blaadje van een boom
papiere koffiebeker
licht blauw
nederlands fietspad asfalt rood
onkruid met bloemen
mini cooper
een verdachtelijke soppig stukje gras
Detective John Smith never thought he would develop an intense hatred for an inanimate object, but the Mysterious Disappearance of WiFi Modem case had proven him wrong. For months, he had been chasing after the elusive modem, and it seemed to always be one step ahead of him.

The case was strange, to say the least. Every lead turned up empty, and the neighbors seemed to be hiding something. Smith couldn't help but wonder if the modem was playing games with him, taunting him with its disappearance.

But then, something changed. As Smith delved deeper into the case, he began to feel a strange sense of respect for the modem. It was like a worthy adversary, a foe that was challenging him to be his best. And as he worked tirelessly to solve the case, he couldn't help but feel a growing admiration for the mysterious missing object.

Smith found himself thinking about the modem at odd times, wondering what it was doing and where it was. He felt a strange connection to it, as if they were two sides of the same coin. It was like they were locked in a battle of wits, and Smith was starting to enjoy the challenge.

As the weeks turned into months, Smith began to realize that his feelings for the modem had shifted. He no longer saw it as an enemy but as something more. He couldn't explain it, but he felt a deep longing for the modem, a desire to find it and bring it home.

And then, one day, the breakthrough came. Smith received a tip that led him to a small shed in the backyard of one of the neighbors. And there, hidden away, was the missing WiFi modem.

Smith felt a rush of emotion as he held the modem in his hands as if he had found a long-lost love. He couldn't believe how much he had missed it, how much he had longed to find it. And as he carried it back to the station, he knew that his feelings for the modem had shifted once again.

No longer was it his enemy, but his ally. No longer was he chasing it, but working alongside it. The Mysterious Disappearance of WiFi Modem had flipped his world upside down. They were the new Sherlock and Watson, the way they were supposed to end up together if it was up to a 13 year old's fanfiction, anyway.
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